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6 Stages of Teenage Crisis Intervention

teenage girl staring at camera and surrounded with her peers in the background in need of the 6 stages of teenage crisis intervention

The life of a teenager is one of change, transition, and maturation. It is also notoriously difficult, with a complex array of challenges related to physical, mental, and emotional changes. The role of social pressure from friends, families, and peers only adds to the complexity, and for many teens, it can all be overwhelming. For some, the pressures of life create a true mental health crisis and require intervention. Teenage crisis intervention can save your child or the child of a loved one from further risk and help restore balance and well-being.

Imagine Nampa understands the crisis intervention steps and offers a teenage crisis intervention program. Call 888.503.4604 to learn about our programs and services or to enroll your child today.

The 6 Stages of Teenage Crisis Intervention

While there are numerous approaches to helping individuals handle a crisis, the following six steps can serve as a practical and useful guide. However, this process should be undertaken as part of a professional crisis intervention program administered by qualified, experienced mental health specialists.

1. Defining the Problem

The first step involves understanding and defining the problem that led to the crisis. This may include identifying any triggers or stressors.

2. Ensuring Patient Safety

It is crucial to ensure the safety of the teenager in crisis. This could involve removing immediate dangers or putting plans in place to prevent self-harm.

3. Providing Support

This stage involves reassuring the teenager and establishing rapport. The goal is to make them feel understood, validated, and supported.

4. Examining Alternatives

In this stage, the teenager is encouraged to explore potential solutions to their problems. This could involve brainstorming different ways to address the issue or developing coping strategies.

5. Make a Plan

At this point, the plan of action is determined and agreed upon. This could include a referral to specialists, seeking professional help, or following a specific course of action.

6. Obtain Commitment

The final step is to ensure commitment to the plan of action. The teenager must agree to follow through with any referrals or treatments and know that help is available if needed.

At Imagine Nampa, we know the importance of comprehensive teenage crisis intervention and offer a variety of programs and services to help your child. A professional teenage crisis intervention specialist offers the best chance of ensuring your child’s well-being.

Crisis Intervention Examples for Teenagers

Some hypothetical examples of how professional crisis intervention for teenagers may occur include the following:

  • A teenager is having suicidal thoughts, and their parent wants to intervene. The professional interventionist would first focus on ensuring the safety of the individual, then work to build trust and rapport. Through exploring alternative solutions and developing a plan of action, the teenager may be referred for further treatment or one-on-one counseling with a therapist.
  • A teenager is struggling with depression and anxiety. In this case, the goal of the intervention would be to help them develop coping strategies that enable them to manage their feelings better. This could include relaxation techniques, mindfulness exercises, or engaging in activities they find enjoyable.

At Imagine Nampa, we understand how difficult it can be for teenagers when faced with crisis situations. Our professional teenage crisis interventionists can provide the guidance and support your child needs to work through their issues.

Contact Imagine Nampa Today

At Imagine Nampa, we are dedicated to providing teenage crisis intervention services by adhering to proven crisis intervention steps and applying evidence-based and holistic therapeutic approaches. We understand teen and adolescent mental health—call 888.503.4604 or reach out online to get started with treatment or to learn more about our programs and services.