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Self-Care Activities To Calm Anxiety

smiling teenager girl hiking with friends and engaging in self-care activities to calm anxiety

Anxiety is a psychological condition characterized by excessive worry, fear, or nervousness. It is an issue that impacts many teenagers and adolescents, affecting their daily lives and overall well-being. It is perfectly normal to experience anxiety. Healthy anxiety levels alert us to potential danger and help us respond quickly. However, when anxiety becomes prolonged or nearly constant, it is disruptive to leading a healthy, productive life. The constant sense of danger or fight-or-flight response is unsustainable and can lead to severe mental, physical, emotional, and social consequences. Developing self-care activities for anxiety can be crucial for maintaining a sense of well-being.

Imagine Nampa, located in Nampa, Idaho, delivers comprehensive mental health services to teenagers and adolescents. Our compassionate mental health professionals offer an anxiety treatment program tailored to each patient’s needs and goals. Call 888.503.4604 to learn more about our programs and services or to enroll your child today.

Symptoms of Anxiety

Anxiety symptoms can vary and respond differently to self-care activities. Common symptoms often include the following:

  • Restlessness
  • Fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Irritability
  • Muscle tension
  • Sleep disturbances

Individuals can manage many of these symptoms by employing self-care activities for anxiety. However, professional anxiety treatment programs work with self-care activities for the best chance of enhanced well-being and recovery.

Sources of Anxiety

Common sources of anxiety among teenagers and adolescents include:

  • Social factors – Peer pressure, bullying, and social media can cause significant stress and anxiety.
  • Academic pressure – The demand for good grades, the fear of exams, and the pressure to choose a future career can be overwhelming.
  • Personal Issues – Family conflicts, health issues, or personal trauma can also trigger anxiety.

It is not uncommon for a combination of factors to play a role in teen or adolescent anxiety, which makes it critical to seek help for your child. Even if one source of anxiety is addressed, another more subtle cause of anxiety could be affecting their well-being.

Self-Care Activities for Anxiety and Mental Health

Incorporating self-care activities into a regular routine can be beneficial in managing anxiety and other mental health symptoms. Here are eight practical activities that can be easily integrated into young people’s lifestyles:

  1. Physical exercise – Regular physical activity helps to reduce anxiety by boosting mood and acting as a natural stress reliever.
  2. Mindful breathing – This technique involves focusing on your breath, which can help to calm the mind and reduce feelings of anxiety.
  3. Healthy eating – A well-balanced diet can help to regulate mood, improve energy levels, and reduce anxiety symptoms.
  4. Adequate sleep – Ensuring you get enough sleep each night can help to reduce anxiety and improve overall mental health.
  5. Creative activities – Engaging in activities such as drawing, painting, or writing can act as a form of expression, helping to relieve anxiety.
  6. Journaling – Writing about worries and fears can help to identify triggers and develop coping strategies.
  7. Relaxation techniques – Techniques such as yoga or meditation can help to relax the mind and body, reducing anxiety symptoms.
  8. Limit screen time – Spending too much time on electronic devices can increase feelings of anxiety. Setting screen time limits can help to reduce this.

While these self-care activities can be quite effective, they do not replace the need for professional mental health treatment. Imagine Nampa offers mental health services to teens and adolescents living in the Nampa, Idaho area.

The Importance of Professional Mental Health Treatment

While self-care activities can be beneficial, they should not replace professional mental health treatment. If a young person is struggling with anxiety, it is important that they seek additional support.

At Imagine Nampa, our partial hospitalization program (PHP) offers a highly structured and heavily monitored treatment environment. We create a secure and compassionate environment for our patients where our mental health professionals deliver evidence-based therapies in a personalized manner. After completing our PHP, many patients step down to our intensive outpatient program (IOP), which offers more flexibility while still providing treatment and accountability.

Contact Imagine Nampa for Self-Care Activities

Imagine Nampa is a mental health provider helping adolescents aged 12-17 in Idaho. They offer various services, including therapy and counseling, which aim to help young people manage their anxiety and improve their overall mental health. Seeking professional help like this can provide the tools and strategies to manage anxiety symptoms effectively. Call 888.503.4604 today to get started, or reach out online for more information.

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